Saturday, December 14, 2013

Seriousness ~ 'Tis The Season to Give Back

'Tis the season to be jolly...fa la la la la la la la la ...

No seriously.  Jolly is good.  I haven't exactly enjoyed holidays in recent years as much as I would have liked, but that's neither here nor there.  This post is not one where I ramble on about religion or cultural aspects of the holidays, nor will I complain about the commercialism our society has now embedded into many of us. I want to focus on one thing I truly believe, it should be the season of giving.  When I say giving, I don't mean give material things.  I mean 'giving' used hyperbolically to express how greatly one wants to have or do something.

I am a 'giver', rather than a 'receiver'.  (Focus people - not erotica snippets here, seriousness...for now.)  I truly enjoy giving what I can, when I can to causes I believe in.  As I expressed before, neuroblastoma and domestic violence are two things that I choose to support finding a cure to or being against, respectively.

Throughout the year, if I find I cannot give, I make it a point to ensure during the holiday season I do indeed give then.  Our lives tend to be busy and we have commitments to family, careers, volunteering or social life.  It is what it is.  However, during the holiday season, instead of thinking about what unimportant materialistic gadgets or fashion item you're going to get so-and-so or who-see-futs, think about who or what you can help by giving whether it be monetary, volunteering or support by educating - as I am right now.

I gave earlier this year to a neuroblastoma cause.  You can too, and not just neuroblastoma specifically.  Any all encompassing pediatric/children cancer foundation (or any type of organization of your choice for that matter) would love your support should you 'feel' you would like to donate to.  Below are several suggestions to start you with if you're interested in supporting neuroblastoma/pediatric cancer organizations - and not just in the US.

Donate to Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation

Donate to The Ronan Thompson Foundation

Donate to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Donate to CureSearch

Donate to Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation

Donate to The Neuroblastoma Society (UK)

Donate to Neuroblastoma Australia

Donate to World Child Cancer

List of Childhood Cancer Interest Groups

Domestic Violence supporting is obviously new to me, however, just as important nonetheless.  In 2014, I plan to seek out an event to participate in - this will be my 'giving' back to this cause.  In the meantime, as organizations listed in the "In All Seriousness" page, below are the donation pages of those organizations:

Donate to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Donate to National Network to End Domestic Violence

What causes do you support?  'Tis the Season to Give Back.
Then celebrate your holiday!