The first 15 minutes they chatter a bit, talking about hash tags this and that, laughing, silliness - funsies! Alex then proceeds to talk about the Good Men Project. Have you heard of it? If not, basically, from a blurb directly from their website's "About Us" page:
"Our community is smart, compassionate, curious, and open-minded; they strive to be good fathers and husbands, citizens and friends, to lead by example at home and in the workplace, and to understand their role in a changing world. The Good Men Project is a place where that happens."
Alex says:
"We're the only large scale conversation about progressive men's masculinity in the world, currently, and we look at masculinity through the lens of technology, parenting, sports, ethics, politics, arts and entertainment, marriage, sex relationships, social justice and humor." [Listen at 15:03-15:25]
Alex explains Good Men Project in his own words and how he contributes as a writer/contributor. He also talks about being a geek:
"Anything that smart people obsess about and are passionate about, qualifies as being a geek and I guess that's being human too."
"You geek out about stuff that makes you happy."
Awesome stuff. Seriously. Oh, and I'm not here to review the podcast, I just want to share with everyone a great find (if you haven't already found it!) in podcasts. And shout out to Alex - 'Sup! ;) - cause he's totally awesome.
Fun take aways from this podcast:
- The Good Men Project is always looking for submissions, looking for people to write, editors, any ideas - it's open door!
- People at Comic Cons are awesome. Cause, Geeks.
- "...just stand up to your principles and be loyal to your friends and family." (from Nick Offerman's appearance on Conan O'Brien watch at 2:47-2:50)
- Captain America 3 & Superman vs. Batman were scheduled to be released during the same week. BUT, Warner Bros. decided to move Superman vs. Batman to later due to a Wonder Woman stand alone film and put it out same week as Captain America 3. (Which, I personally will be going to see WW first!)
- Being a geek is wanting to, is being passionate about something to the point that you want everyone else to be as into it as you are because you wanna share that joy. [Listen at 25:33-25:45]
- Read a column posted April 3rd by Alex: New Jersey Gets the Horn & the Finger at the Zombie Apocalypse (See where your state ranks - his ranks last to survive the Z Apocalypse! Hawaii ranks pretty low, but Florida even lower - dafuq?!)
- Death Wish Coffee (On Twitter: @DeathWishCoffee ) - The world's strongest coffee apparently. I want to try this coffee. I don't have a death wish, but @GeekCastRy swears by it's potency and really great taste. Therefore, I'm going to use their secret pass code 'geekcast' to get a 15% discount off my purchase!
- Operation Supply Drop (On Twitter: @OPSupplyDrop ) - Operation Supply Drop (OSD) is a military gaming 501(c)(3) charity designed to build video game filled care packages for soldiers (America and Her Allies) both deployed forward to combat zones as well as those recovering in military hospitals.
And last but not least, "What are you geeking on this week?" The geeks close out their weekly podcast by going around asking what they're geeking on this week. So, in honor of their tradition, I wanted to share what I'm geeking on this week... A new book! One that is totally and completely geeky, nerdy, nergeeky... UBER EXCITED TO READ!!
Edited by Stephen H. Segal
In the "Dedication", the first sentence reads, 'This book is dedicated to everyone who's ever said one of these things out loud during conversation.' Chapter I is titled: 'MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA' That is all I need to say. And #donkeyballs !!! only because I say that sometimes when I'm extremely excited.
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