I Love Nerds.

Cause, Nerd.  I do have a fondness for nerds (and geeks - kinda all encompassing), being one myself.  Ish.

In high school, I struggled to be cool and not seem like a nerd.  I'm not saying I was the hottest girl in school, but I would've been a topic in the "She's hot" convos.  Probably.   Maybe.  I say 'struggled', because 85% of the group of friends that hung out together, were 'smarties' - smart and average looking.  The other 15% were 'naughty smarties' - pretty, smart and naughty.  Obviously, you might have guessed what percentage I fell into.

I downplayed my nerdiness to prevent being teased or unliked. Additionally, I would bet that my high school boyfriend, who was a part of one of the segments of the 'cool kids' clique, had an affect on my academic aspirations.  He was a football/baseball jock, in remedial classes, mild troublemaker and partier...but daggumit, was he cute!  He was half Caucasian, half Vietnamese. In high school, your priorities are skewed.  Hell, my priorities have been skewed until recently (reference 'In All Seriousness' page, not to bring you down), on top of nearing the big four zero in age.  No, you didn't read that right.  *Jedi mind tricking you*

I digress. You'll likely see blog entries that reflect my self proclaimed nerdiness - an ode to the nerd, the wondrous geeks  or nerd/geek tendencies all or some of us have that are funny, sweet, caring, organized, anal (maybe that way too, I know I am...no,you didn't read that right...*Jedi mind tricking you again*) and most of all, human like we all are.  I'll be geeking out every now and again, so if geeking out isn't your thing, oh well.  You'll just have to sift through my posts and wait till I post some erotica vignette, mmmkaay?

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