Monday, December 2, 2013

Seriousness ~ A Touch on Domestic Violence

I know I mentioned this briefly on the "In All Seriousness" page and said I'd blog about it later.  It's not later, so I'm just touching on this subject with a triggered by the moment poem.  I will tell you, many of you may not realize that the turn of events that led me to extricate from my relationship happened very recently.  Mid-October to be exact.  The raw emotions and incidents I have been dealing with in real life have been expressed quite close to real time in relation to some of what I blog.

The inception of this blog was only a couple of weeks after 'shit went down'. Another turn of events this afternoon, pertaining to the relationship, caused a rush of emotions.  I went from anger and disbelief to sadness then annoyance. I let these emotions wash over me most of the evening.  Allowing myself to be angry, cry, think and express.  The below poem is what came of it.  I've found writing, expressing and just being me, has allowed me to slowly heal as well as regain who I was from over a decade ago.

Power is Mine

Fell in love, youthful lust
One loved with a twisted heart
The other loved with an open heart
Beneath the surface the love was warped and unrefined

Wed despite conflict
Possessiveness and jealousy fueled
Rage and anger peaked then subsided
Hidden from prying eyes

Eyes tell lies
Fear lives deep inside
Tears held back
Always falls when forsaken

Stop the crying and hurt
Things get better, seem serene
A vicious cycle
In twelve years time

Life feels numb
No control, only time
Make a stand, but prepare
The challenge has just begun

Courageous, bold, steadfast and tenacious
Your efforts are ineffectual
Unnerved no more
You have no power over me.



'It's up to us to choose whether we win or lose

And I choose to win'

If you're interested, there is a kick ass article on related to Domestic Violence.  I read this a few months ago and it reminded me quite a bit of my relationship (since I was still in it at the time of reading).

If you didn't believe that you all (Tweeps on Twitter and my blog readers) have truly been my life jacket, I hope you believe this now.  Thank you for staying with me (following me!) on my journey of finding myself, laughing and loving life again.

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