Monday, November 18, 2013

Kismet, My Friend

As Kismet shows me signs, I follow.  I worry not about time as usually that hasn't been beneficial in any of my circumstances.  I can only hope I get to my destination.  I cannot force the pieces of life’s puzzle to fit prematurely.  If certain pieces end up not fitting, or destination missed, such is life.  I am not going to wish, pray or curse the universe for not giving me what I want.  I am going to thank for everything given.  Every experience, every word spoken or written, every emotion felt, will be soaked in and cherished.

Kismet as with the universe is usually always speaking or showing signs.  We are the ones either in tune or not.  Kismet whispers, then speaks to you, then starts yelling.  I feel Kismet is many times ourselves, our true selves, inner us’.

The proactive things we do in life are also part of fate.  Perception plays a parallel part.  If you say to someone, ‘The universe speaks to you, and then it starts yelling.’  You making this statement is fate, then the resulting action by the receiver of this statement will be due to their perception; the resulting action was 'listening'.

As far as life in general, we all tend to ignore or hear what we need/should be listening to.  Not just by the universe, often by those close to us who care about what they see us living through.  When I say Kismet, in relation to my path, I'm becoming in tune with myself.  I can tell you, for years I told myself there would never be anyone I'd ever meet that I could have interesting, meaningful conversations with, other than my dad.  I told myself this for so long, I truly believed it.  That belief created a muting of Kismet/universe frequency signals.  It was no longer a possibility to me therefore, I, in a sense, forfeited rights to receive signals.

We (people in general) are intertwined with one another on different levels.  Our paths intersect all the time.  I think it’s Kismet who makes the intersection such at a point it is pivotal in those who have intersected.  BUT, are they listening?  Are they in tune?  If we're not paying attention, going about our business in life, we’ll miss hearing the small and barely audible whispers.  Start listening; put your perception in high gear.  Slowly, paths will align and/or parallel ones created.

My path forked earlier this year and a parallel path was created.  Last month the parallel path was forcibly yet favorably paved.  I know alignment will be mine in time.  I trust in Kismet, my friend.

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